Case Study: Building Conversion

The Opportunity
Converting existing buildings has been shown to save time and overall project costs if done properly. More usable space becomes available earlier and tenants and projects in that space get to start sooner. With the rush-to-market for various drugs and vaccines and the race for research funding, there has been an increase in existing building conversions instead of new construction in the laboratory and pharmaceutical market. In this case study, a building owner is converting a purchased brewery into office and laboratory space as part of their rapid expansion efforts. A quick project turnaround until building occupancy and the needs of the space posed a challenge to the design team.

The Solution
Heat Pipe Technology’s SMART Water-Glycol system was selected for this project. The energy recovered from the building exhaust pretreats the nearly 150,000 CFM of outside air in 5 supply air handling units, saving over 5.5 million BTU/hr on the winter design day. Each air handling unit received 6 row coils broken into multiple sections for ease of installation. With a factory-built and tested mechanical skid, integrated controls with an intuitive touch screen and Building Automation System (BAS) integration, quick ship coil options and first-class engineering support, HPT was able to meet this project’s needs.

The Conclusion
With state-of-the art runaround glycol performance and industry-leading controls, the SMART Water Glycol system is the right solution for you.
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