Case Study Video: Home of the Tampa Bay Lighting Improves Ice Quality While Reducing Energy

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In 2011, Amalie Arena was annually ranked near the bottom among NHL teams' ice quality.  The problem had to do with the air above the ice not being dry enough. This proved to be difficult to manage with Tampa's high humidity climates.  

HPT partnered with the arena and offered a solution centered around the wrap around dehumidification heat pipe (DHP™).  This technology uses a phase change to precool the outside air before entering the cooling coil, and reheat the air after the cooling coil.  This in turn freed up capacity for the cooling coil, in addition to reducing the energy required for reheat.  

At design conditions, the heat pipes removed close to 350 total tons from the cooling load, while using the same heat to supplement the reheat system.  This has resulted in an estimated savings upwards of $50,000 per month!

Big 5 Show, Dubai - HPT an Energy Savings Leader on the International Stage

HPT was on display at the Big 5 show in Dubai this past November.  The Big 5 is held annually, and is the largest construction expo in the Middle East.  HPT had products featured alongside Oasis Coils & Coating; HPT's licensee in the region.


SelectPlus™ - How to Select and Design a Controllable Wrap Around Heat Pipe


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In applications where precise temperature control is required, HPT dehumidifier heat pipes can be equipped with normally open solenoid valves (24V or 110V).  Control valves are grouped in stages to connect to the building BAS.  SelectPlus™ allows users to design controllable wrap around heat pipes for temperature control applications.  Users can run performances, view psychrometrics, and use the advanced economic analysis feature for accurate savings.

January 2016 - In This Issue:

Case Study Video: Home of the Tampa Bay Lighting Improves Ice Quality While Reducing Energy

Big 5 Show, Dubai - HPT an Energy Savings Leader on the International Stage

SelectPlus - How to Select and Design a Controllable Wrap Around Heat Pipe

Providing Energy Saving Solutions to The World Market

Our knowledgeable, worldwide rep network will work with you to implement our technology for both dehumidification and energy recovery applications

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This newsletter is a service of HPT, Inc. It is meant to familiarize users with heat pipe technology, and how to select heat pipe systems using SelectPlus™ design software.

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Click here to read more about the HRM™ Series and our *NEW* HRM-Z™ model

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